Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Love David Cook....

This is so important to watch!

LOVE his sentiments!!!!

"It defies rational thought why you would pick on that group"

He is speaking of millions of people in this world with intellectual disabilities. Don't be a coward, spread the word to end the R word!!!! There is never a nice way to use it!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ta da!

I wouldn't normally be showing off my tummy in a blog post, but I'm just so excited about this I couldn't help myself! Two weeks ago, I was shimmying into these jeans and then do all the crazy stretching poses to stretch them out after they were actually on! The raw food diet is amazing. I have had this extra weight that I have done everything to get rid of for years, but nothing has worked, and now voila'!

2 weeks ago these were way too tight!!

Exciting times!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I am beginning the Green Smoothie Queen 7 Day Challenge tomorrow. Click to check it out.

I made my favorite one yet tonight. I threw into my vitamix:
2 frozen bananas
about 1/2 frozen blueberries
1 and 1/2 cups of fresh raw spinach
1/2 cup fresh cilantro
1 inch piece of peeled ginger
tablespoon of agave
10 ounces of water

WOW! It was awesome and one I'll definitely be having over and over again. It sounds so weird if you've never tried it before, but man, it's crazy good! :-)

Monday, March 9, 2009

YUMMY raw candy!

I have made this a few times now. One time I used Sun Butter another time peanut butter and tonight homemade almond butter, it's ALL good. :-)

This is a recipe that I found in Alyssa Cohen's book Living on Live Food, which I highly recommend! She called them Almond Butter Balls, and didn't roll them in the extra nuts, but I like them better my way. :-)

Sun Butter Balls

1/2 cup of sun butter

1/4 cup sunflower seeds (to hold aside)

1/2 cup sunflower seeds

1/2 cup of raisins

1/2 cup of honey or agave

Grind 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds in food processor and set aside in small bowl.

Grind sunflower seeds in food processor until fine and add raisins, add to a bowl with honey and sun butter and mix well.

Roll mixture into balls and then roll into the extra bowl of sunflower seeds to coat.

Put in refrigerator to keep, much better to eat after they are firm!

I also added dates to my last batch! YUMMO! Everyone loved these, Caylee said they were spectacular and tasted like eating raw cookie dough. Who doesn't like that? :-)